Learn how Sullexis helped a Fortune 50 midstream energy company consolidate and provide for consistent Golden Records by rapidly implementing an MDM solution and a Data Catalog to improve data cleanliness, accuracy, integrity, and accessibility of key asset data, that aligns business and data processes via a universal asset master .Key outcomes of this case study:• Enhanced Data Quality and Consistency: Successfully consolidated and standardized data across the enterprise, creating Golden Records that improved the cleanliness, accuracy, and
integrity of key asset and location data.• Cost Savings Through Inventory Optimization: Identified and removed duplicate equipment records, leading to consolidated inventory, reduced obsolescence, and significant cost savings.• Improved Data Accessibility and Decision-Making: Deployed a foundational Data Catalog that enhanced data accessibility, empowering teams with accurate and reliable information for better decision-making.• Strategic Alignment with Business Goals: Aligned data management practices with the client’s strategic goals, enabling more efficient operations and supporting long-term business success.• Future Regulatory Compliance and Risk Reduction: Provide future capability to strengthen regulatory and tax compliance by eliminating data discrepancies, which will minimize overpayments, reduce the risk of fines and penalties, and avert potential litigation with regulatory authorities. The Challenge: Rapid growth led to increasing data debt, requiring an innovative solution that would allow users to trust and access enterprise data. This growth produced a number of data challenges related to key pipeline asset data, including obsolete and duplicate equipment data in SAP, coupled with inaccurate GIS data, producing significant operational and regulatory issues .Our client saw the need for enterprise data management and the implementation of a robust data governance program. One that would allow users to search for and access enterprise data and eliminate duplicate and retired records. In addition, the needs and challenges did not stop there:• Given the lack of data standardization across multiple source systems, a single unified source of
truth spanning the entire enterprise was required, supported by strong data governance
• Assets needed to be unitized in a timely and consistent manner to reduce financial riskOur client saw the need for enterprise data management and the implementation of a robust datagovernance program. One that would allow users to search for and access enterprise data and eliminateduplicate and retired records. In addition, the needs and challenges did not stop there:• Given the lack of data standardization across multiple source systems, a single unified source oftruth spanning the entire enterprise was required, supported by strong data governance• Assets needed to be unitized in a timely and consistent manner to reduce financial riskFinally, due to inefficiencies and increased rework caused by the data debt, our client was eagerto capture and share key data across applications, ensuring consistency and reducing redundantdata input and inquiriesThe Solution:Implementation of an MDM solution and a Data Catalog, combined with a strategic data managementframeworkWith our data management strategy and implementation experience, we provided the client withstrategic direction and facilitation of the following through a phased approach:• Profisee MDM & Purview Data Catalog implementation strategy• Profisee and Purview Implementation and continuing support• Data Catalog construction in Microsoft Purview with integration support to ProfiseeSullexis’ implementation of the required tools enabled the client to:• Quickly master key capital assets, with the scope gradually expanding• Link client data and apps to Profisee and Purview based on system priority and initial mastereddata attributes• In Profisee, create “Golden Records” and connect master data for immediate value• In Purview, scan records to capture relevant glossary terms and provide a catalog for end-userconsumption, yielding immediate benefits.The ResultThe phased approach and rapid implementation have successfully laid the groundwork for datamanagement and governance. With this foundational functionality established, the solution’s fullpotential and associated benefits will be realized as the adoption of the solution expands. The solution’sgroundwork enables the implementation of a golden record strategy for data integration between theasset management system and valve-related asset reporting (SAP Plant Maintenance and GIS ValveReport). This strategy will provide:• Reduced time spent on data investigation and rework due to improved data capture and sharingprocesses.• Enhanced trust in asset data through better traceability and auditability.• More accurate cross-functional reporting enabled by a standardized model for data acquisition,storage, and sharing across regions and functions.• A consolidated, enterprise-level approach to capturing and maintaining data consistently acrossmultiple applications.In addition, the work will enable a new business initiative that will help reduce tax overpayments withtimely and accurate asset information, providing significant cost savings. Accurate data will also reducethe need for frequent interactions with state and federal tax authorities, streamlining operations andreducing administrative burdens.